Congratulations Mr. Blinken!
We are very proud of our alumnus, Antony Blinken, Class of 1980, who has been nominated to serve as Secretary of State in President-elect Joe Biden’s administration. We had the honor of welcoming him for a visit at his former school six years ago. The graduating Class of 2020 also received a personal recorded message from Mr. Blinken as part of their online graduation ceremony in July 2020. To listen to the message, log on to the EJM Avenir platform or create your account today!
Read the articles!
Read the New York times article: “Mr. Blinken has been at Mr. Biden’s side for nearly 20 years, including as his top aide on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and later as his national security adviser when he was vice president. In that role, Mr. Blinken helped develop the American response to political upheaval and instability across the Middle East, with mixed results in Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Libya.”
Sur France 24: “Né en 1962, fan inconditionnel des Beatles, Antony Blinken, lui-même fils et neveu de diplomates, entretient une relation très spéciale avec la France, et notamment avec Paris, où sa famille habitait dans un appartement situé avenue Foch. Après avoir passé son bac (scolarité à l’École Jeannine Manuel, école française bilingue et internationale) et fait ses études de droit dans la capitale française dans les années 1970, il retourne aux États-Unis et obtient des diplômes à Harvard et à Columbia, à New York.”